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Friday, March 29, 2013

Internet Definition According to the Experts

Internet Definition According to the experts interconnection-networking Internet is a global system of the entire network of computers connected together using the standard Internet Protocol Suite abbreviated as TCP / IP that allows you to serve the entire civilized world.

From the perspective of history, the Internet is a computer network that was first established by the U.S. Department of Defense in 1969, through a project called ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network).

At its establishment, the ARPANET only connect 4 sites only, namely the Stanford Research Institute, University of California, Santa Barbara, and the University of Utah, where each site is to form a unified network in 1969 and then generally introduced in 1972 .

 Internet Definition According to the Experts


internet definition


To find a scientific understanding of the internet, it helps us listen to experts opinion on the definition of Internet, and the following are excerpts from some expert opinion on the definition of the internet:

1. According to Lani Sidharta (1996): although it is the interconnection between networks fisikInternet komputernamun general Internet should be seen as a resource of information. Internet content is information, can be thought of as a multi-media library database or a very large and complete. Even the Internet is seen as the world in the form of another (virtual) because almost all aspects of life in the real world on the internet such as business, entertainment, sports, politics and so forth.

2. According to Drew Heywood (1996): the history of Internet began in the late decades of the 60's when United StatesDepartment of Defense (DoD) requires a new standard for Internet communications working. That is the standard that is capable of connecting all types of computers in the DoD with the military contractor's computer, scientific research organizations and universities. This network must be robust, secure and lasting damage that can operate in conditions of minimum due to disaster or war.

So some experts say internet definitions that can be delivered to you at the article entitled DefinisInternet According to the experts this. I hope this information is useful for those who would have the time to read it.

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