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Friday, March 29, 2013

Definition and Function of the Network Card

Network card or called NIC that we often see on almost any computer or laptop, a card jarningan that serves as a bridge from the computer to a computer network. NIC type outstanding, divided into two types, namely the physical NIC and NIC that is logical. An example of a physical NIC is NIC Ethernet, Token Ring, and more, while the NIC that is logical is a loopback adapter and Dial-up Adapter. Also called Network Adapter. Each type of NIC is numbered addresses called MAC Address, which can be static or can be changed by pengguna.d) Network Interface Card (Network)


A network card (LAN Card) installed on a server or workstation computer so that the computer can be connected to the network system. In the event of disruption or damage resulting network card on the computer can not enter in the network system. Indicators that can be seen in the network card is dead damage indicator lights located on the network card and the indicator on the hub / switch when the computer has been living and cable connectivity of the network card and hub / switch has been good.

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