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Friday, March 29, 2013

Computer Network and Internet

Computer network (the network) is a system that consists of computers that are designed to share resources (printers, CPU), communicate (email, instant messaging), and access to information (web browser)

Computer Networks Purposes is:

In order to achieve its goal, every part of a computer network to request and provide the service (service). The party requesting / receiving the service are called clients (client) and providing / sending service called servers (server). This design is referred to as client-server systems, and is used in almost all computer network applications.

Two computers each have a network card, then connected via a wired or wireless data transmission medium, and there is a network operating system software to form a simple computer network. If you want to create a computer network wider scope, it would require additional equipment such as Hub, Bridge, Switch, Router, Gateway as interconnection equipment.

Computer Network Concept:

In recent years, computer technology has grown very rapidly. Perkemabangan this rapid technological, associated with other technologies. Especially for the technology of this type of personal computer (PC) to a super computer continues to experience growth, thereby increasing the capacity and data processing. Merger between computers and communication technology affect all the forms of organization of computer systems. Single computer model that serves the entire computational tasks of an organization has been replaced by a collection of computers and a large number of separate but interrelated still in performing their duties. This system is referred to as a network computer (Computer Network).
Computer networks can be defined as a set of interconnected computers. Two computers are said to form a network where they can exchange information. In other words, the computer network is a group of autonomous computers interconnected with each other using a communication protocol through the medium of communication so that they can share information, programs, use of shared hardware such as printers, hard drive and so on. In addition, a computer network can be defined as a system that consists of computers that are designed to share resources (printers, CPU), communicate (email, instant messaging), and access to information (web browser). In order to achieve its goal, every part of a computer network to request and provide the service (service). The party requesting / receiving the service are called clients (client) and providing / sending service called servers (server). This design is referred to as client-server systems, and is used in almost all computer network applications.
Two computers each have a network card, then connected via a wired or wireless data transmission medium, and there is a network operating system software to form a simple computer network. If you want to create a computer network wider scope, it would require additional equipment such as Hub, Bridge, Switch, Router, Gateway as interconnection equipment. Set a communication terminal located in various locations which consist of several interconnected computers.

Network Internet:

The Internet is a computer network that could be categorized as WAN, connecting millions of computers around the world, without borders, where everyone who has a computer can join the network by simply connecting to the internet service provider (Internet service provider / ISP)
 Internet can be translated as the international networking (international network), for connecting computers internationally, or as internetworking (tissue between networks) for connecting millions of networks around the world. Internet, a network that is so complex but it was amazing.

Internet network logically divided into multiple domains, which by the standards of IPv4 (Internet Protocol version 4) is identified by IP number or 4 32-bit binary numbers separated by dots (eg Standard domain types include:

. com = commercial organizations
. edu = educational institutions in the United
. ac = academic institutions
. gov = government institutions
. mil = military organizations
. net = network access provider
. org = non-profit organizations

Beside the domain that is also shared by the state, for example:

. au = Australia
. ca = Canada
. id = Indonesia
. jp = Japan
. my = Malaysia
. sw = Sweden
. th = Thailand

How to Connect Computers with Internet Network

How to Connect Computer with Internet network is as follows:

1. Through the Network
To connect a computer with a large network can use smaller networks that LAN.cara connecting computers to the Internet through a network used to serve usage amounts banyak.contoh cafes, colleges, schools, public and private companies and other-lai.
Liaison with the network system is to use a computer as a server connected to the internet service provider via telephone either wired or non kabel.Sistem network has the advantage that access charges incurred will be less expensive, because the cost will be divided by the number of access users.

2. Through direct telephone line
Another connection system is to dial up directly, where the modem directly connected to the telephone network that connects to the Internet network. Excess Access is a network that broad. while drawback is the relatively high cost of access.

3. Through GPRS 
GPRS stands for General Pocket Radio is a radio Service. network as connecting computers to the network using radio waves as internet. with computer connecting to the network using radio waves internet. with then access with GPRS it has the advantage of access can be executed even though the means of communication or de active. within user access based costing much data is accessed without access. and limited amount of time to be able to access through GPRS only do computers and mobile phones are equipped GPRS. shortage facility of GPRS is to get an internet connection, we have to pass a certain setting on the phone, but every brand mobile phones and mobile operators have the own way to activate GPRS.

4. Through WiFi (Wireless Fidelty)
WiFi is a wireless network that use waves with high frequency (2.4GHz). Using WiFi we have to have a notebook and a PDA equipped with a WiFi card is smoothly speed WiFi. excess high access is 11Mbps. while lack of WiFi is a must use located in areas that have a WiFi signal (Regional Hot Spot)

5. Using Cable TV
The advantages of the use of cable TV networks for Internet access is that we can access the internet at any time without any interruption telephone network entirely
Terms access internet via cable TV, among others:
a. Subscribe to the cable TV service providers have internet service
b. The device is equipped with a standard computer operating systems and other software that supports internet access.
c. Using a modem specifically designed for cable TV.

How Computer Networks Work

How Computer Networks Work - The computer network is a system that consists of computers and other network devices that work together to achieve a common goal. The purpose of the network is the computer:
Sharing of resources: for example, shared use of printers, CPU, memory, hard drive

The principle works, first sender to send information to the receiver via a signal encoded protocol that converts the digital signal into an analog signal and then transmitting the signal through the media and through the second protocol decoded back into digital signals before going into the receiver.

How Computer Networks Work

There are four main components that are on a network:

  1. Sender (sender of data information) 
  2. Protocol (which encode and decode the data information) 
  3. Transmission media (data transfer medium), and
  4.  Receiver (receiving data information).

The working principle above can in analogy when the Japanese and the English were chatting over the internet. When the Japanese typing a message in Japanese language the message is first converted by the protocol into English so that English people can receive the message in English and vice versa when the British reply to the message is the message the Japanese English language will be changed by the protocol first become a Japanese language prior to the Japanese people. So in this case protocols can be termed as a translator of information data.

Types of Computer Networks and His understanding

Types of Computer Networks and the His understanding - Computer network is a system or circuit that consists of two or more computers, where between one computer to another computer connected by a communication system, allowing any computer joined to the network can exchange -exchange data, programs, and other computer resources such as storage media, printers, and others.

Also through a computer network that connects computers located in remote locations, can also be established communication, such as communication via electronic mail or email, or upload the data to send and retrieve data from another place called the download. Other activities related to data communications, can also be done over the computer network.

Types of Computer Networks and His understanding

On this occasion will be published the types of computer networks and the understanding that based karaterianya can be divided into 4 parts, which are:

1. Based on the geographic range is divided into:
LAN Networkis a network that connects two computers or more in coverage such as laboratories, offices, and in one cafe.
MAN NetworksIs the tissue that covers the major cities and their local area. Examples of local telephone networks, cellular telephone systems, as well as some ISPs relay networks.
WAN NetworkIs a network with worldwide coverage. Examples PT network. Telkom, PT. Indosat, as well as Satelindo GSM Mobile, Telkomsel, and much more.
2. Based on the distribution of sources of information / data can be divided into:
Centralized networkThis network consists of client and server computer where the client computer that serves as an intermediary to access sources of information / data from one computer server
Distributed NetworkIs a combination of several centralized network so that there are multiple server computers interconnected by a network client to establish a specific system.
3. Based on data transmission media can be divided into:
Wired Network (Wired Network)In this network, to connect one computer to another computer in the form required connecting a network cable. Cable network functions to send information in the form of electrical signals between the network computer.
Wireless Network (Wireless Network)Is a network of the medium in the form of electromagnetic waves. In this network cables are not required to connect between computers because it uses electromagnetic waves will transmit signal information between networked computers.
4. Based on the role of computers in the Process Data
Client-Server NetworkIn this network there are one or more computer servers and client computers. The computer that will be the server computer and a client computer and changed through software on the network protocol. Client computer as an intermediary to be able to access data on the server computer while the computer server providing the information required by the client computer.

Network Peer-to-peerIn this network there are no computer client or server computer for all computers can do the delivery and receipt of information so that all the computers to function as a client as well as server.
Thus articles on a variety of computer networks that have been published along with the meaning of each of these types of computer networks. Hopefully this information is probably useful.

Advantage Internet For Teenagers

Benefits of the Internet For Teens - It is the season of youth who are full of beauty, that's the word for people who get drunk again in the beauty of the world. But unlike teenagers who can take advantage of when his young life.

Benefits of Internet For Teenagers:

1. Public BenefitsBased on in depth in the United States prove that surfing the internet, playing online games, and social networking sites play just as well for the development of youth. Digital Youth Project sponsored by the MacArthur Foundation for three years proved the internet is good for adolescent development. The project, conducted over three years that involved 800 teens and parents to know youth technology upgrades. It also broke the assumption that parents who declare Internet playjust a waste of time.
2. Benefits of the Internet in EducationThe Internet is a service that allows us to add insight, communication, and also allows us to look for a material that may be hard to find in practice. through cyberspace internet access, we can add insight, communicate over long distances and also seek information which we desperately need. In the world of internet education can help students to access a variety of information and sharing of knowledge and research antarsiswa especially with their distant homes.
3. Negative ImpactInternet, word familiar in the ears of every person, especially the teenagers who always hang out with the luxury world of tech, luxurious, and practical, the Internet can be found wherever we are, to capitalize mobile phone that has an internet connection, the internet can be accessed with ease through mobile phone wherever you are, or if not, at every corner there is definitely a shop that sells internet services or commonly called the cafe, with the internet, or access roads to the delivery of information existing in the world can be taken with ease while reverse hand or blink, much of science is so abundant there, any information we can find in the internet universe, the teens are not spared by the name of information and knowledge, this internet is the most effective and easy to find and accessible by anyone anywhere, although there is no doubt that because of this freedom possible misuse of internet facilities as well as a means of crime or misconduct.
Students new to the internet usually use this facility to search for weird things. Such images are not indecent, or weird videos obscene others that may affect the lives and personalities of the students themselves, so that students are influenced and interfered with her concentration on learning in school, however, not all students do so, simply nosy just a handful of students who can do it because of lack of a sense of responsibility towards self and surroundings, but in general the Internet is used by each student to seek or obtain information.It can be a motivator for students to grow and can also serve as a destroyer (the younger generation), teens are creatures that are vulnerable to changes around him, he will follow the most dominant are close so the possibility of a drastic change in the period- adolescence would lead to where the teenager will run, positive or negative direction depending on where in the start.
Teens who daily along with internet will be more responsive to changes in the surrounding information because it is familiar and more aware of this information and more often than others. But other than that, teenagers who have a tendency on the negative just the opposite, he will appear as only passiveenslaved by the ease and wealth of information from the internet.
So if you can always watch your children play in order to have all the "benefits of the Internet For Teenagers" is more pronounced.